Lord Shiva Brass Deity (4.5" high)
Kurta -- Color Jute
Radha Krishna Deluxe Dress Peacock
Cow Print Neck Scarf Cotton
Balarama Umbrella - Large Size
Bengali Bhagavad Gita As It Is
Gaura Nitai Clothes & Jewelery
Womens Churidar Stretchable Pants


By John Wrisley

I was a Hem incense costumer until I found out there is more out there. A few years back I was just ...

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Great service one happy customer

By John Travers

Best site in the world for online shopping great prices for all my needs and the service I get is th ...

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Great stuff

By Bhayahari Das

Never been let down, EVER, all my needs met, quality, service, Keep it up Krishna store !

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Srinagar Prabhupada DVD box set

By Paul Cotton

As any devotee knows, you cannot put a price on Srila Prabhupada’s association. This DVD box set l ...

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masala incense

By Marco Di Giorgio

I bought several more opportunities to offer incense to my beloved Lord Krishna, and I found that th ...

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just the best scents ever

By Susan Emerson

Easy to order cant wait till it arrives always pleasantly surprised when i get my order.

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An absolute wealth of knowledge

By Richard Miller

I purchased the items below and I'm very impressed. I'll start by saying that anyone interested in t ...

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Fast service

By Janavi Held

The DVD arrived in perfect condition and very quickly all the way from India! Thank you.

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Very nice Kartals. Hare Krishna!

By Arpit Kothari

1. Big Kartals 2. Very sonorous 3. Good quality and Finishing 4. Worth the Price 5. Humble Obeis ...

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Krsna Store Delivers Again

By Taraka

Thank you again for another prompt service. After many orders for myself and my friends I can say I ...

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By Joy Golding

I want to thank you so much for providing this service, as a lone devotee here in my town, you are a ...

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Excellent Service

By Valiyathum Naicker

Good customer backup service. Good communication - Very helpful. Thanks.

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Perfect transaction and exceptional products.

By Vikrant Chaudhri

Recently I ordered Little Krishna 3 DVD set. I am pleased to recommend this site has the best custom ...

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By Precious Turner

Everything is great...and helpful...thank you every much:)

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Excellent Japa Mala

By Padmavathy Ragavendran

Just as in the picture ! Both japa mala and mala bag. Blessed to receive it from Vrindavan ! Thanks ...

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