Teachings of Queen Kunti Paperback [1978 (first) Edition] Teachings of Queen Kunti Paperback [1978 (first) Edition]Teachings of Queen Kunti Paperback [1978 (first) Edition]
Teachings of Queen Kunti Paperback [1978 (first) Edition]

Teachings of Queen Kunti Paperback [1978 (first) Edition]
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

1978 First Edition

About this item

Queen Kunti, a tragic and heroic figure, emerges from an explosive era in the history of ancient India. She was a central figure in a complex political drama that led to a bloody fratricidal war for the Indian throne. Yet through all her sufferings she found an inner wisdom and strength that carried her people through the time of crisis.

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Format: Softbound, 6" x 9", 12 color plates
Pages: 270
ISBN: 0-89213-102-0
Product Weight: 1.500 lbs

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