Flute Krishna T-Shirt
T-Shirt: Ganesh All-Over Print
Fancy Cotton Skirt
Gaura Nitai Clothes & Jewelery
Quilt for Single Bed
Dhoti, Rasgulla Jute -- No Borders

Rama and Sita puppets

By Sarita Maini

Beautiful puppets- I am a teacher and used them to tell the Diwali story. Children were very engaged ...

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good dependable service

By Margaret

My order of Tongue Scraper -- Copper (Pack of 6) and Incense, Dhoop, Candle Holder are very good va ...

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Excellent book

By Chris Macur

The book was a very good quality and so where the extras that came along. I would shop here again.

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What A Joy

By Madhumangala Das

In less than two weeks I received Srila Prabhupada's beautiful 30 volume Srimad Bhagavatam in excell ...

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Very satisfied with all purchases

By Amisha Mann

Hare Krishna! Highly recommend Krishna store UK website, its a one stop shop for all your Krishna ...

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very satisfied

By Sigl Hermine

I´m very happy with my order to Krsna Store....all things arrived....I didn't have to wait too long ...

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Buy these books

By Danny Cosiem

Dear truth seekers, Anyone who has searched far and wide for the Absolute Truth, search no more! ...

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Men's Large Yak Wool Full Body Shawl / Chadar

By George

I love very much the men's large woolen full body shawl/chadar, even though I fold it and I wear it ...

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Divine Vibrations

By Dean Litherland

Hare Bol! Thank You, My Mridanga Drum arrived in perfect order today expertly packed ensuring it ...

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Authentic items straight from Vrindavan!

By Casey

My package arrived in the mail rather quickly and direct from Vrindavan, India. When I opened the pa ...

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Very Grateful!!!

By Brahmanda Ghat Das

I recieved my products in the correct date. I´m satisfied with my purchase, te Deity Offer cups ...

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Radhe Krsna Gopala

By Maheswari

I just received today my orders - a set of Radha Krishna 12" & a baby Ladu Gopal (smallest) & I'm am ...

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Excellent service

By Shivangi Sharma

I have got my order today.very much satisfied with the service.i just ordered 2 items and they have ...

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Awesome quick service

By Suhas Karke

Excited about the new Tilak Mridanga. It is a bit lighter than the regular similar size Balaram Mrid ...

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House of nectar

By Kathryn Boundy

You are providing an ocean of transcendental bliss. You are suci and satisfying. You are a link to t ...

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