Ajamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic Literature
Ajamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic LiteratureAjamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic LiteratureAjamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic LiteratureAjamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic LiteratureAjamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic LiteratureAjamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic Literature

Ajamila -- An Inspiring Story from a Vedic Literature
Written by Cameri Dasi, Illustrations by Vijaya Govinda das

 $3.49  $1.95 

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When Ajamila was young he was a very saintly person. However at one time he saw a young man and a prostitute engaging in sensual activities. This disturbed his mind and he could not stop thinking of that prostitute... The story has a happy ending and this childrens book tells it beautifully.

This book is based on the teachings of and dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Author: Written by Cameri Dasi, Illustrations by Vijaya Govinda das
Format: 5" x 8"
Pages: 31
ISBN: 81-89564-11-0
Product Weight: 0.200 lbs
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