Case of 60 Sri Isopanisad [1969 Edition] -- Hardcover Case of 60 Sri Isopanisad [1969 Edition] -- HardcoverCase of 60 Sri Isopanisad [1969 Edition] -- Hardcover
Case of 60 Sri Isopanisad [1969 Edition] -- Hardcover

Case of 60 Sri Isopanisad [1969 Edition] -- Hardcover SPECIAL! HARD COVER AT PAPERBACK PRICE!!!
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

 $89.95  $55.00 
Case of 60 - Hardcover

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Wholesale case of 60 Hard Cover Sri Isopanisad. We rebel at modern science's contention that we can be analyzed into lifeless laws and particles. We feel that personality is the solid foundation and unifying principle of our existence. That intuition is correct, says the Vedic philosophy of ancient India, which loudly proclaims the primacy of personality in every sphere of life and knowledge.

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Format: Hardbound
Pages: 144
ISBN: 978-1-60293-001-8
Product Weight: 31.800 lbs
  • Buy now : $55.00 

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