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From the Introduction:
Travelling to India is a great chance to experience another way of life. Yet many tourists are not open-minded or knowledgeable enough to really appreciate the new and varied pleasures of India. Travelling is also a great way to make new acquaintances and friends, but communication can often be a problem. Learning some Hindi, India’s most widely-spoken language, is an enjoyable way for the visitor to India to become more knowledgeable and to communicate better.
Introduction ............................... v
Pronunciation ............................ ix
Grammar ................................. xiii
General Expressions ................... 1
Accommodation ....................... 13
Food ........................................ 20
Time and Numbers ................... 28
Transportation .......................... 34
Post Office ................................ 40
Bank ......................................... 44
Health ...................................... 47
Shopping .................................. 58
Sightseeing .............................. 68
Trekking ................................... 77
Emergencies............................. 90
Vocabulary ............................... 92