The Color Guide to Radha Kunda
The Color Guide to Radha Kunda

The Color Guide to Radha Kunda The Holiest of all Holy Places
Rajasekhara dasa Brahmacari

 $24.95  $15.25 

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The transcendental lake of Radha Kunda, the most sacred meeting place where Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna enjoyed intimate pastimes of divine love. Lost to the world for almost fifty centuries until the year 1516, when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu on His pilgrimage to Vraja, re-discovered this most sacred of all Kundas..

Author: Rajasekhara dasa Brahmacari
Format: 7.4" x 9.8" Hardcover Full Color Throughout
Pages: 152
Product Weight: 1.760 lbs
  • Buy now : $15.25 

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