Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Avindra Goolcharan of New Jersey, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 05/21/2021

Title: Best place to buy Gita As-It-Is

I collect various editions of Bhagavad Gita and this hardbound book is a welcome addition to my collection. The appendices compiled by Srila Prabhupada and his publication team make this an exceptional reference for all Gita students. The prose is exceptionally fluid, and is paired accordingly with IAST and Sanskrit texts, which makes this book useful for Sanskrit students. On top of that, the book came with free gifts and at a reasonable cost and delivered in a timely fashion. I would happily buy more book(s) from the Krishna store, and will browse the inventory again (soon).

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Best place to buy Gita As-It-Is