Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Kali of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 05/30/2018

Title: Krishna Store = Great Selection and Super Value

Hari Krishna!! I would suppose when one creates a site with such a venerable name one would do so with a great deal of forethought. Please do take the time to read the mission statement of the proprietor and you will feel the Heart in what they seek to accomplish. As a devotee of Lord Krishna for almost 5 decades I have never lived in a large city where certain items can be obtained. Very recently I found Krishna Store and have been very happy with what I have received from them. I think many would be amazed at the actual number of solo devotees practicing in the world. Krishna store has the vision to provide for them a place to obtain items that they would never find in their area, and all at a fair and realistic price. I am very happy that I found Krishna Store and urge others to give them a chance to fulfill their needs. And to the people of Krishna Store, May the Love and Blessings of Lord Krishna Shine upon you and yours! Namaste, Kali

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Krishna Store = Great Selection and Super Value