Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Nilesh Dalal of Florida, USA

Date added: 07/15/2016

Title: Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Once having learnt about the unauthorized book changes of Srila Prabhupada's books and having learnt of many more other unauthorized activities I depend upon only who are the REAL Prabhuapada's disciples by following His instructions to the letter. If you are interested in the PURE transcendental message of Srila Prabhupada look no further. They are not into the money and the new BBTI has become from the original BBT and the real interest of the Vaishnavas behind is to help Srila Prabhupada spread Sri Chaitanya's transcendental message to deliver any soul truly intertested to return home, back to Godhead.

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