Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Martina Edler of Germany

Date added: 04/21/2017

Title: Amazingly fast delivery of 2boxes of books

Very fast delivery of 1box life comes from life and 1box beyond birth and death,also its perfect that each book is sealed in plastic ,very good ,its so nice to again ,thanks to your service to Srila Prabhupada ,to be able to again start doing some Bookdistribution after more than 30+ years of raising family and stuff.Yep what goes around comes around! The circle is closing and what i loved most at 20+ i can continue now,wow Krsna is so mercifull ! Sri Krsna Sankirtan Ki Jai SrilaPrabhupada Ki Jai All glories to the assembled devotees Hare Krsna All glories,all glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga y.s.mohini murti

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