Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Lalita of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 05/31/2018

Title: super store!!!

Reliable rapid and very professional; all available these product the qualities pleasing to Srî Krishna. It is great to be able to trust a seller even from so far away!!! ilove getting my little packets through the post. The products are very good quality ofr money. I just love the incense en i am pleased to offer it to Srî Krishna. The picture i have framed and they look absolutely great in my wana-pratha retreat in the forest. I also like the disciplinic linage images set on wood;it is pleasing on the altar. The packaging is also efficient and the itmes well protected. The communication is good with the sales person responsible of the sales on the webb; courtesy is a plus for all. A big thank you for making available these products throughout the world.

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