Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Radha Harvey of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 05/19/2016

Title: Radha dasi & Gopal das from Kauai's Bhak Yoga Shack Thanks You!

Aloha Namaste from the island of Kauai Hawaii! We want to thank all those at Krishna Store for providing the people of the world with such a nice selection of devotional items! We love being able to go online and see all that you offer. We have brought many Japa mala beads for meditation in the past that we chant on everyday and most recently ordered two beautiful pictures of Krishna, to adorn our Yoga Studio and Kirtan Hall. One was a very large photo print of Krishna Balarama entering Vrndavan and another was a canvas -both arrived on time and in wonderful condition, thank you for taking the time to carefully package and wrap them so nicely. Many thanks for your service - Haribol & Hare Krsna! Wishing you well Radha dasi and Gopal das .

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