Testimonial by: Bhayahari Das of California, United States (U.S.A.)
Date added: 11/15/2015
Title: I am amazed how easy this site is to use!
After viewing the items, I see that in price, and quality it rivals or exceeds all others I viewed, this site is obviously run as a SERVICE to devotee's of Krishna or Vishnu ! You offer everything a Vaishnava requires to worship the Lord in the standard bonafide methods layed out by the Acarya's, Thank you for the immense selection, and very important is the practical ease with which one can shop, edit, and checkout, my Dandabats to the devotee's who have obviously taken all parts of this site KRISHNASTORE.COM and made it a great service to devotee's who may be far, far, away from the holy places of Bharat varsha but who, thanks to you, can bathe,dress in dhoti, apply tilak, chant Gayatri, and worship their deities, with all the proper puja and paraphanelia items necessary for success in life, thanking you again All Glories to Srila Prabhupada ! Bhayahari Das Haiku Hawaii, USA
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