Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Sharon of Australia

Date added: 12/08/2015

Title: Incense experience

This is not the first time I have made an order. I have been buying incense for quite a while now, and have my favourites. This time I bought Sandal Supreme, Rose and Kesar Chandan. They are all exquisite. Kesar Chandan is really special, mellow and sweet. My all time favourites are Vrindava Flower and Parijat. They are all quite heavenly! I also purchased a silk scarf, this is the second one I have bought. I gave the first one as a gift and will probably do that again. The silk is very fine and the colours are beautiful. I also purchased a mobile cover. It is really nice a little small for my phone. It could also be used as a money or key purse as it has a little string to go over your shoulder. Plus I always find everything arrives promptly and in good order.

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Incense experience