Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Ramananda Gaura Dasa of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 08/07/2018

Title: Extremely Happy

We are extremely happy and contented with Krishna Store's personalized service. We had ordered 3 pictures on canvas on 9th April 2018 to celebrated my son in-laws birthday on 15 April 2018. We learnt that the consignment would take 3 weeks to arrive. We checked the status after 3 weeks and it showed that the consignment has arrived in Dubai, UAE but yet to be delivered. We had waited until first week June but there was no news of the consignment nor its delivery. Since we were moving away permanently from Dubai, UAE to Chennai, India, and since the consignment had not been delivered in Dubai, we requested "Krishna Store" if this can be rerouted and delivered in Chennai. Guess what? we received the consignment in Chennai. Thanks a lot to "Krishna Store" An important thing to remember for those living in Islamic countries -- If you need items like these please get it to your (non-Islamic) home country address and then you can personally take it over to wherever you stay. Otherwise you might face similar "non-delivery status or a non-traceable status" and can wait endlessly for your consignment.

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