Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: David Searle of Wiltshire, England

Date added: 01/02/2020

Title: High Quality and Amazing Service

I have ordered a few times from Krishna Store and have found the experience a pleasant one. I particularly like the fact that many of the items are made in India and sent direct from Vrindavan. The shipping times are great too - I ordered a full set of 30 Srimad Bhagavatum books and they arrived in just 5 days. I was astonished and very pleased. It will take me a lot longer to read them all but I will savour every word because they contain the original text from the 1970s by Sri Prabhupada which is the best version. Beautiful Books. I have also bought other items and they always arrived well packed and within good time. I would recommend Krishna Store wholeheartedly. HARE KRISHNA to you all.

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