Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Parimal Shah of Mumbai, India

Date added: 06/10/2010

Title: This is truly, truly nectar.

Hare Krishna! With Sri Krishna's causeless mercy, I was able to purchase the complete MP3 set of Srila Prabhupada's lectures! They arrived just a few days ago. I am very, very happy to receive these lectures. Hearing the voice of dear Guru Maharaj (Srila Prabhupada) again and again fills up the heart and mind with Love for Krishna who is our Eternal Loving Master, Lord and Friend. The prices by Krishna store are also quite reasonable, even for us Indians, who earn in Indian rupees which is a relatively weaker currency. Thank you for this wonderful service that you are doing prabhu by making available all of Original Srila Prabhupada's lectures, videos and books. This is truly, truly nectar. I pray to Lord Sri Krishna that He allows you to continue to make available all of Srila Prabhupada's ORIGINAL teachings WITHOUT any adulteration whatsoever in the CORRECT SPIRIT as instructed by Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krishna!

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