Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Kaushalya Mayi Devi Dasi of GEORGIA, U.S.A.

Date added: 04/09/2021

Title: Such nice devotee behavior

Dear wonderful devotees of the greatest place on this planet Sri Vrindavan, India. Our order was very professionally handled, even though I forgot to up-date my latest address changed. We just love the first-class incense, spiritual neck-beads and we are very excitedly waiting for our pictures of Lord Srila Prabhupada honoring prasadam! Thank-you so much for your wonderful service of supplying this very confuse world with the Supreme Divine Merchandise to glorify Lord Sri Krishna. We will definitely be purchasing from your company in the near future. All Glories to Lord Srila Prabhupada!

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Such nice devotee behavior