Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Dr Prayag Narayan Misra of United States

Date added: 02/19/2022

Title: Focus On Krishna Consciousness Books From Hare Krishna Store

In this age of nescience- KaliYuga, Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is our only way, only way an d the only way- in accordance to Chaitanya Maha Prabhu! To develop taste for Krishna consciousness, books play a major role! Hare Krishna Store is doing a great service by supplying such books and related paraphernalia. We have started Goshala for protection of cows in 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona.To volunteers and visitors, we share books by Srila Prabhupada in English and several other languages! I placed an order for books from Hare Krishna Store and the order was completed in a very professional manner. I would recommend reading Krishna books in two volumes to every body!

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Focus On Krishna Consciousness Books From Hare Krishna Store