Krishna\'s Pastimes with Putana (Children\'s Story Book)
Krishna\'s Pastimes with Putana (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastimes with Putana (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastimes with Putana (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastimes with Putana (Children\'s Story Book)

Krishna's Pastimes with Putana (Children's Story Book) Krishna and Putana

 $3.95  $1.95 

About this item

This is the story of Krishna's Pastimes with Putana, a demon lady who disguised herself as a beautiful lady as part of a plot to kill Baby Krishna. Of course, the all-powerful Baby Krishna didn't fall victim to the attempts.

This book is based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Format: Paperback 21cm x 14cm
Product Weight: 0.200 lbs
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